Reflection on Academic Writing Skills πŸ’•πŸ’•

Hi, Winnie is here. πŸ™‹πŸ»πŸ™‹πŸ»️ In the course Softskill and Basic Volunteerism, I had learned about some writing skills by using Microsoft Word. As everyone knows, we use Microsoft Word almost every day for reports, assignments, or minutes. We used it as a common thing, but we barely know well about the functions. Whenever I want to do the assignments and the reports, I feel the struggle with the layouts such as the page layout, style formatting, heading, page breaks, and other features.  I feel hopeless when doing the design by using the shortcut and always doing the work twice. 🀯🀯🀯 It had wasted me a lot of time and energy.

Through this learning, I expected that I will learn and explore all the functions of Microsoft Document, so that I can easily type all of my documents and reports in the future without wasting my time in doing the documents and the reports. After I finished the class, I look through the links and the videos that share in our lecture notes. πŸ€”πŸ€” I also look for other guidance and videos about the other tutorials for different functions. The videos were the tutorials and guidance that show us the steps or the ways of all the Microsoft Documents’ functions. The videos teach us about how to do the heading and the footer when the pages weren’t connected by using the section breaks, set and modify the heading style for different topics or subtopics and create the page numbering.

When I slowly go through the guidance and tutorial, I learned and apply all the functions that I learn when I was doing my reports and my assignments. I found it was very easy to apply in every work that I did and it saves a lot of time. I appreciate and feel grateful for the lesson that makes me learn more about the Microsoft application. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ€©πŸ€©

This is the assignment that I've done for academic writing by using the Microsoft Word functions:

Here were some quick tips on YouTube for Microsoft Words:

For Basic Keyboard Shortcuts=

For Recover a Corrupted File=

For using a format painter=

I really enjoy the videos. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ€©πŸ€© Thank you and hope you enjoy it.


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