Hi, Winnie is here. ππ» ️ ππ» ️ In the course Softskill and Basic Volunteerism, I had learned about some writing skills by using Microsoft Word. As everyone knows, we use Microsoft Word almost every day for reports, assignments, or minutes. We used it as a common thing, but we barely know well about the functions. Whenever I want to do the assignments and the reports, I feel the struggle with the layouts such as the page layout, style formatting, heading, page breaks, and other features. I feel hopeless when doing the design by using the shortcut and always doing the work twice. π€―π€―π€― It had wasted me a lot of time and energy. Through this learning, I expected that I will learn and explore all the functions of Microsoft Document, so that I can easily type all of my documents and reports in the future without wasting my time in doing the documents and the reports. After I finished the class, I look through the links and the videos that share in our lecture notes. π€π€ ...